Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Truth Tellers

Through the good times and difficult times, who are your truth tellers?  When the sun is shining (like today! wohoo!) or when the dark clouds roll in, who are your truth tellers?  I fell in love with this expression when our priest delivered his homily, a powerful message, which resonated deep within my soul.  So simple, yet so…well,  for lack of a better term, TRUTHFUL!  

“Who are your truth tellers?"  “Who are the people in your life that tell you exactly how it is, exactly what you DON’T want to hear?”  He paused.  He wasn't talking about the sugar-coated; everything is perfect about you people.  Nope, he was talking about the people closest to our hearts, who know us best and see our full potential.  The people who tell us what we don’t want to hear because it makes us better people.  It’s a beautiful feeling to have truth tellers in our lives and to also BE a truth teller for someone else. 

As I sat there listening, I began to think about who my truth tellers are and what being a truth teller meant to me.  I am so grateful to have so many wonderful truth tellers in my life.  We all need them; we are all better people because of them.

A truth teller is someone who does not come from a place of judgment but a place of compassion

A truth teller does not come from a place of jealousy or negativity but a place of kindness and positivity.

A truth teller does not tell you what you want to hear because it’s the easy way to avoid conflict but instead a truth teller tells you what you need to hear and should hear in that moment. 

A truth teller always comes from a place of love and friendship

A truth teller accepts you for who you are, and doesn't try to change you.  They support and care for you deep down inside and have your back…no. matter. what.

Your definition of a truth teller can be as simple or complex as you want it to be, it’s your truth.  My truth tellers are my unconditional supporters, my positive lights, and the ones who pick me up when I need it the most.  I welcome advice I might not always want to hear because it forces me to listen and shift my thinking.  Sure, the truth is hard to digest sometimes but I've learned that the truth is the only thing I want to hear. 

The truth challenges us to be better people and it helps us see outside of ourselves.  My truth tellers give me insight to life outside my world, and they help me be present in my everyday life.  Truth be told, it’s all a work in progress! 

Hearing the hard truth, and not the sugar-coated, everything is perfect truth, is only going to help us become our best selves.  Big hugs and thanks to all my TTs.


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