Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Ribbons And Sachets

Things in life just don’t happen.  I believe that everything happens for a reason, the people we meet, the places we go, the experiences we have, the challenges and triumphs we face.  They are somehow orchestrated and placed in front of us to make us stronger, better, and more equipped for what’s ahead.  Life is full of ribbons and sachets.  Ribbons we gently untie, revealing the next adventure while filling up our sachets with beautiful memories and experiences that enrich our lives.  As much as I look forward to untying new ribbons, I always enjoy looking back because it helps show progression, growth, and inspires me to work harder. 

As a young girl, I remember thinking how I couldn’t WAIT to grow up and turn 10, 18, 21 or 26 because that’s when life would all fall into place and make sense.  I just couldn’t wait!  I used to tell myself, “when I get older, that’s when I can…” or “when I get older, that’s when I will…".  I had so many notions of what getting older meant.   I wanted nothing more than to see time pass by so I could just get to that magic number where everything made sense.  But what I’ve learned in the past four years, almost five, ever since I turned 30 is that all the years prior, mattered...a lot.  They were part of becoming a better me and formulated the tools and necessary equipment to be where I am today as a photographer.  The amazing people I’ve met, the beautiful friendships I have, the experiences I’ve been so fortunate to create, the professional opportunities I’ve been given, it does all make sense, it does add up. 

This past weekend, my family went to Maine to visit my brother and his girlfriend to celebrate the opening of his roadside restaurant, Yardbird Canteen.  I was reminded of the many blessings in my life and how a year truly matters.  A year ago, my niece couldn't say "Annie".  A year ago, my brother's dream was just a vision.  A year ago, I was creating a future I knew I wanted.  It is very true, as we get older, time flies!  But then you stop to think about a year of progression and you begin to see how a year holds a lot of time, a lot of precious minutes and valuable seconds.  So as we walked around the quaint downtown area of Camden, Maine, we stumbled upon a cute store that I fell in love with!  I went in and out several times trying to avoid buying everything!  But what I ended up purchasing after several indecisive pop-ins, was a few yards of beautiful ribbon, neutral colors of blush and ivory, and a linen lavender sachet.  My inspiration behind these purchases?  My clients.  You.  I’m always searching for creative ways to enhance the experience for my families, unique to my style and personality.  So picking up these little pieces are my reminders to keep working towards creating that future I most certainly do visualize and believe in with all my heart.  

The coincidence of being in Maine this past weekend is that a year ago, Justin and I had gone to Maine for a quick getaway.  It was right before my first family session.  A year ago was a weekend I had dreamed about and prayed for years.  So when I look back at this picture that Justin snapped on our trip, I think about where I am today and feel excited about what's ahead.  The photographer I was a year ago is not the photographer I am today.  Each day that passes makes me more grateful for the passing months and am eagerly awaiting the next day, week, month, but continuing to focus on today. I can’t wait to look back a year from now and see continued growth and progression.  The difference in that young girl who wanted so badly to grow up and get to now, is that she is finally ok with waiting and enjoying the ride. 

My eyes and heart are wide open, so open to receive all the blessings that today, tomorrow, and a year from now will hold.  The elegant ribbons and lovely scented sachets are simple reminders that having a vision and allowing ourselves to be open to receive the tiniest of gifts are all part of the magic.  When we stop and think about who and where we were a year ago, I hope you too can realize all the growth and progression you've made.  I am certain you will see that you are a better you.


 Anne is a Connecticut based natural light photographer specializing in family, children, and engagement portrait photography.  To learn more about booking your portrait session, please contact Anne at