Sunday, September 14, 2014

A Letter To My Niece | Chloe's First Birthday

Sweet Chloe-
Happy FIRST birthday to you pumpkin.  Words really can't describe how joyful you have made this past year for your family.  Oh man do we love you or what!  We have all been so blessed to watch you grow, to watch you explore and to watch you learn all the things life has to offer.  You my love, have already discovered so many really fun adventures and you continue to amaze us with your big personality...yah, you get that from your mother.  Your smile makes me smile, your laugh makes me laugh, your little hands that hold my finger is the sweetest thing I know.  Singing and dancing around the house when no one is around is one of my favorite things to do with you!  Thank you for bringing so much happiness into our lives.  "T" loves you and can't wait to see what kind of craziness you will get into this year!  Tell your parents to get ready!  xoxo- your "T"

I know I've said it before but a first birthday is a celebration, a time to look back and reflect on the life-changing year.  To my sister and brother in-law, congratulations on this milestone.  The joy I see when you two look at your beautiful daughter is priceless.  Thank you for giving us the greatest gift.  Today Chloe was surrounded by her family and it was a true celebration of this past year.  We have all loved every second of this exciting journey. love you guys.

here are a few pictures from today....happy first birthday Chloe girl!!