Monday, September 1, 2014

Family Moments | Maine

As we close summer and open our hearts to a new season of apple picking, pumpkins, cider and chili, I can’t help but to be thankful for a wonderful summer filled with many beautiful memories, new challenges and so many exciting opportunities.  The months flew by so quickly, but man we had the most perfect summer weather!  Crisp beautiful nights, gorgeous, sunny days.  I swear we were just kicking the summer off with Memorial Day a few weeks ago!  I hope everyone was able to enjoy their summer and take some time for themselves to enjoy with their friends and family. 

These past couple of days, my family enjoyed the remaining August days together in Maine.  We haven’t been away as a family since I was in high school and it was a blessing to all be together.  There was nothing I enjoyed more than waking up early to the sight and sounds of my 11 month old niece Chloe.  It was a great time away to enjoy the simple moments of the summer.  We relaxed, ate delicious fried seafood, shucked oysters, celebrated my brother's 30th birthday, and toasted our six-year wedding anniversary.  

It’s hard to believe that six years have passed so quickly.  So many of our friend’s children who were born around our wedding are starting Kindergarten!  Being able to celebrate our anniversary with our family reminded us of how we were surrounded by all our friends and families on our special day.  Our families, no matter far or away, constantly remind us how important the role of a family is to a marriage and we thank you for investing in our commitment to each other.  Your cards, phone calls and text messages are all appreciated.  You help us to be better people and a better husband and wife. 

To my love,   

I’m not quite sure how I got so lucky to have you as my husband.  I ask myself that question ummmm…about twice a week, maybe even three!  There is no one who believes in me more than you do.  There is no one who pushes me out of my comfort zone and helps me reach my dreams more than you do.  I still get excited when you pull into the driveway at night, I love our nights of laughing and dancing in the kitchen together and I appreciate how you always say grace when we sit down to eat I stuff my face.  I love how my Nana calls you “just right” and we all joke that you are “just justin”.  Your genuine nature and relaxed way about you is what I adore most.  The way you love and truly care about our nephews, niece, godchildren and friend’s children melts my heart.  My problems are your problems; my concerns are your concerns.  We are a team in this amazing, fortunate life.  We are blessed.  I thank God for you and appreciate all the little things you do for me, especially the late night candy runs!  I am so excited about what the next year will bring for us.  Happy anniversary many more happy years.  I know there will be bumps and it won't all be perfect but I know with you by my side, anything is possible. xoxo                  

Below are a few pictures from Maine, what a great way to close out the summer.                     

 happy 30th birthday bud

This man, my heart...

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